A Trip On The Surface

Printed fake leather with emroidered cables
Surfaces to touch; angular, soft, rubbery, hard and many other qualities come to light in these small samples and invite to be touched. Through various printing techniques with foaming paste, glossy foils and embroidery techniques, where these samples realised. The Contrast between typical textile textures like cottonyarn, nets and embroderied. The contrast between typical textile structures such as cotton yarn, nets, embroidered surfaces and rubbery foam paste, wrapped beads, aluminium foil and old cables results in an exciting surface that one would like to explore with the hand rather or as well as with the eyes and should also stimulate one to think. What is combined and what is not? Is there a right and wrong way in the combination of materials? How can something that is aesthetically pleasing also be haptically pleasing?
These are the questions I investigated in these samples.

Samples with foamoing paste partially combined with yarn

Samples with glossy foil and hidden pearls

Sample with net structure and foming paste batches

Sample with aluminium foil, printed fake leather and yarn, everything emroidered to the base layer