PET- The Other Way

The pet bottle does not have much significance in our everyday lives. The contents are consumed quickly and the bottle flies into the recycling bin immediately afterwards. I wanted to give the PET an increase in value so that it can also be worn as a piece of jewellery. I found it fascinating that the PET in certain objects almost completely disappears from the viewer's perception and in others the exbottle is only recognised at second glance. Some parts of the small collection are already finished and others can be reused, e.g. as large sequins or as basic material for further projects. This project was realised with hot air blower, copper wire and PET bottles found at HSLU Emmenbrücke.

small PET flowers

left: PET net combined with copper wire  right:  PET corall

  PET shells or vulvas 

earrings out of PET bottles and copper wire